Was it real ?

Designing in times of Covid.


Was it real ?

Designing in times of Covid.


An Atypical Celebration: Designing in Times of Covid 

In response to the uncertainty and crisis of the time, the scenography for the HEAD – Genève graduation event was inspired by the aesthetic world of David Lynch. The central feature of the display was a 6×4 meter backlit billboard illuminated by red LED lights, bearing the words Reality Reality? 

Embracing themes of surrealism and confusion, the event was titled Was it Real?, a phrase featured prominently in all event communications.

The animated letters of the title floated above the conference speakers, who stood behind a lectern covered in artificial grass. 

For the spatial design, we laid a wide expanse of fake grass across the stage and at the building’s entrance, accompanied by smaller backlit panels displaying the message Welcome to Reality. This design referenced the unsettling early months of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Was it Real Installation Scenography Trojans Collective HEAD Genève - David Lynch scenography

Was it Real Installation Scenography Trojans Collective HEAD Genève - David Lynch scenography

Images by Baptiste Coulon and Michel Brecht