La Collective
Graphic Identity and Website
In collaboration with OnzeWeb
Year: 2024
Client: Fondation pour l’égalité des genres
Location: Geneva
Concept and creation of La Collective’s Brand Identity.
The Collective is a project run by the Fondation pour l’égalité de genre, which will open its doors in 2026. It aims to be a place of reference for issues of equality, gender and women’s rights.
This large-scale project arose from the need to create a place dedicated to the missions of Geneva’s various women’s and feminist associations, to facilitate access for their audiences, and to offer activities enabling the creation of social links between people from different backgrounds.
La Collective will house accommodation for women in precarious situations, senior women and students, a day nursery, a café-restaurant, la bibliothèque Filigrane, the l’Espace Santé Femmes*, offices for associations and cultural spaces. A place open to the city, it will also host events for the general public to promote equality in society.
The identity reflects La Collective’s vision, mission and values.
We also created a collection of shapes, inspired by the cross-section of the building. These shapes, found throughout the identity, represent the multiplicity and diversity of La Collective’s functions, missions and uses.